Time Running Out, Get College Applications In

UnknownBy Cheryl Mattox Berry

The other day, my mother asked me if I ever got tired of harassing the children (my nieces and nephews.) “Absolutely not,” I replied. “That’s my job. If I don’t do it, no one will.”

What she considers harassment, I call gentle prodding. I ask them when they’re taking the ACT and SAT, what grades they got on their last report card and whether they have completed their college applications.

Sometimes, it seems as if I’m talking to a brick wall, but that doesn’t keep me from reminding them about keeping up their grades, admission requirements and application deadlines. Just call me the human alarm clock. That brings me to the question of the day: Have you completed your college applications?

I started talking about applying to college last July. It’s December, and some of you are still procrastinating. I’ve heard just about every excuse under the sun. None of them make any sense nor are they acceptable.

Truth is, some students haven’t sat still long enough to pick five colleges because they’ve been too busy enjoying senior year. Others have put off applying out of fear they won’t get in or may not get enough financial aid.

If you don’t apply, you’ll never know whether you’ll get in. Here are a few other don’ts.

v Don’t assume that what happened to someone else will happen to you. Just because Ashley didn’t get financial aid doesn’t mean you won’t. Her family’s financial situation may be totally different from yours.

v Don’t be afraid to take out college loans. They may be your only choice.

v Don’t resign yourself to attending a community college. There’s nothing wrong with a two-year school, especially if money is an issue. However, you may qualify for grants and scholarships at a four-year school. Organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, offer scholarships, too. Their deadlines are fast approaching.

v Don’t let your parents talk you out of going away to college if that’s where your heart is. Some parents have a hard time letting go and will discourage you at every turn, even refuse to pay tuition. Explain why you think going away is a good idea and ask for their blessings.

It’s not too late, but you’ve got to get the ball rolling NOW. Make going to college a priority. Spend as much time on filling out applications as you do your hair. Styles come and go, but a college education never gets old.

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