Take Control of Your Life

By Cheryl Mattox Berry

Exams. Special projects. Extra credit. Dances. Tournaments. Banquets. Senior activities. Graduation. Summer job. College freshman summer experience. The school year is winding down. So much to do and so little time. You’ll get through it, but you must get organized NOW!

Pull up your calendar. On a sheet of paper, write down everything you need to do between now and end of the school year. Jot down on the calendar the deadline for each item on your list. Now, you have a complete picture of what your weeks ahead will look like. Breathe. 

Knowing what is coming up will allow you to prioritize. It also gives you a sense of control over your life. You may still get stressed out, but at least you won’t be all over the place. 

You’re probably wondering how you’ll get everything done without staying up 24/7. It can be done, but you’ll have to make some changes – just for a few weeks. Translated, that means less time on Facebook and other social media. Don’t be shy about telling friends that you can’t talk or hang out because you have to practice or study. They should be doing the same thing. 

Classes should be No. 1 on the priority list. Don’t give them short shrift because of extra-curricula activities. Study for an exam in two or three one-hour study sessions, instead of cramming the night before. 

Use down time to squeeze in extra study time. For example, you can write an outline for a paper while you’re waiting to be picked up at school. If you have a history test, prepare flash cards with important dates in advance and drill yourself while waiting for a ride.

Group study sessions often end up being chat fests. If you can cover more material by yourself, politely bypass the study group. Get a tutor for difficult subjects or ask the teacher for help before or after class.

Eating properly, exercising and getting enough sleep are essential when you have a busy schedule. That means at least eight hours of sleep each night. Less than that will make it difficult to concentrate the next day.

Also, go easy on the caffeine. There are numerous energy-boosting drinks on the market that will give you a temporary jolt, but you may feel sluggish when the caffeine wears off.

Planning for dances, prom and senior activities should be easy. It’ll be the icing on the cake for all the hard work you’ve put in acing your exams. Have fun!









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