High School Stress Par for the Course

girlBy Kennedy, 17, junior

In the 21st century, the definition of a high school student has changed in remarkable ways. No longer do kids simply go to school, go home, relax, do some work and do whatever they want in the evening.

High school students are expected to perform community service, participate in a sport, join numerous clubs, keep a decent GPA, study for SATs and other exams, apply for scholarships, do an internship, get a job and complete chores at home. This to-do list seems to be the new reality for the majority of high school students.

With such immense pressure, it’s clear that there might be a negative effect on a student’s behavior and self-confidence. I can attest that being in a rigorous international baccalaureate program, combined with tons of outside activities, has led to my fair share of what we call “IB Breakdowns.” They’re absolutely awful. It’s a slew of emotions, which include (but are not limited to) insecurity, anxiety, worry, anger, frustration and hopelessness.

They aren’t fun, but they definitely make you a person stronger. If you ever find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. Just try to remain calm. To reduce stress and anxiety, take a break and a breather. Relax. Go watch an hour of TV, listen to music and hang out with friends. Calm yourself down, re-energize and collect your thoughts. After you do this, go back to whatever was causing the stress with a newfound motivation, sense of security and determination.

Most important: Remind yourself of the rewards, why you’re there and what your purpose is.

Whether it’s a sport, running a club or simply being a student, always strive for 110 percent. Never settle for minimum goals;
reach for maximum opportunities because you have that potential. In the end – at that finish line – you’ll definitely feel good knowing that you’ve beaten the obstacle that has stressed you out for so long.

In stressful situations, positivity will always be your best friend. Stay upbeat and don’t give up hope. Keep pushing and performing as best you can because all of the stress that you have overcome will definitely be worth it.

Photo: FreeDigitalPhotos.net,

By imagery majestic

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