What Would You Do?

By Cheryl Mattox Berry

Every now and then, you find yourself in a sticky situation. Of course, you try to be diplomatic, but sometimes you have to be hard-nosed to make a point. Below are four scenarios and suggestions for solving each problem.

1. While shopping with your mother, you found the perfect prom dress. You took a picture and sent it to your BFFs. A couple of weeks later, one of your girlfriends shows you a photo of her dress. It’s just like yours but a different color. You are livid. What should you do?

a. Take your gown back to the store and buy another one.

b. Ask your friend to return her dress.

c. Wear yours anyway and vow not to look her way that night.

d. None of the above.

Answer, b: You need to have a little talk with your friend. She knew exactly how your dress looked, so it defines logic why she bought the same one. Explain to her that prom night is special, and it would be weird for both of you to show up wearing the same dress. Since you bought yours first, suggest that she buy another one. Offer to go shopping with her since she obviously admires your taste. If she refuses, exchange yours.

2. The boy you like finally asks you out. However, it’s the same night you and the girls plan to go out for pizza and see the latest rom-com. Should you…?

a. Accept his invitation and cancel on your girlfriends.

b. Bring him along.

c. Tell him you’d love to go out, but ask if it would be okay to do it next weekend.

d. None of the above.

Answer, c:  Unless you’re sick or there’s a family emergency, it’s impolite to cancel plans with friends. They would feel slighted and wonder every time after that if they could depend on you. It’s a bad idea to bring a guy along for a girls’ night out. He would be unwelcomed and feel out of place.

3. Your girlfriend informs you that she’s planning to spend the evening with her boyfriend, but she’s going to her mother that she’s with you because her parents think they spend too much time together. Do you…?

a. Tell her you can’t be part of the lie.

b. Go along with the plan.

c. Ignore her because you don’t think she’s going through with it.

d. None of the above.

Answer, a: Lying will get you in trouble every time. If anything happens to her, you would be blamed for being part of the coverup. You don’t want that on your conscience. If she’s having issues with her parents about dating the boy, she should try to work something out with them and leave you out of it.

4. When you got into the car this morning, it smelled like marijuana. Your younger brother used the car last, so all fingers point to him. Do you…?

a. Run in the house and tell mom.

b. Wake him up and demand an explanation.

c. Ignore it.

d. None of the above.

Answer, b: Let him explain. It may have been his friends. If he admits smoking marijuana, remind him about the dangers of driving under the influence. He could injure or kill himself and others. Give him a warning this time, but if the problem continues inform your parents. Also, tell him his friends shouldn’t smoke marijuana in the car. Period.

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