Rules to To Live By

By Cheryl Mattox Berrynotebook

Wherever I go, I see young ladies doing strange, rude or unbelievable things. They’re doing good things, too, but the bad behavior stands out. I’m convinced that part of the problem is that they were never taught the proper way to act in certain situations. Not to worry. Here are some guidelines and the fourth installment of Rules to Live By. Read and check yourself.

1.  Don’t chew gum when you’re on stage, giving a speech or dressed in your Sunday best.

2.  If you must chew gum, throw it in a trash can instead of sticking it under a desk or chair when you get tired of gnawing on it.

3.  Don’t take photos of yourself during a concert.

4.  Don’t reach across someone to pick up an item.

5.  Ask about the attire for an event instead of assuming that jeans are okay.

6.  Get off the cell phone when paying for items at checkout.

7.  Walk, run and ride your bike on the right side of a path.

8.  At buffet-style dinners, let grownups go first.

9.  Lower the volume on an MP3 players when listening to songs with explicit lyrics. (Yes, we can still hear them when you’re wearing earbuds.)

10. Apologize when you’re at fault.

11. Eat fruit and veggies daily.

12. Always tell a parent the name, address and phone number of the boy you’re going on a date with.

13. Don’t ask a stranger for money or a ride.

14. Pick up your dog’s poop

15. Treat a public bathroom like the one at your house.

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