Be Open to Advice

By Cheryl Mattox Berry

Growing up, I rarely heard about a teenager going to a psychologist. All of my problems were solved at the kitchen table. While my mother cooked dinner, I sat at the table and did my homework. When I finished, I told tell her everything that happened to me at school that day – the good, the bad and the ugly. She listened patiently and offered advice.

Sometimes, I’d bend my grandmother and aunt’s ear with my problems. Of course, I half listened to their advice or so I thought. As I got older, I realized that I had unknowingly taken to heart their suggestions, and they had helped me throughout high school, college and career.

I’ve even found myself repeating some of the things I heard as a teenager to my daughter. Here are a few pearls of wisdom imparted by the women who raised me:

  1. Be patient; some things take a while.
  2. Cheer up. It’s not the end of the world.
  3. Don’t tell everything. Keep some things to yourself.
  4. If you can’t say something nice about somebody, just don’t say anything.
  5. Nobody wants to hear you complain all the time.
  6. Learn from your mistakes.
  7. Sometimes you need to just sit with your mouth closed and listen. You might just learn something.
  8. Everybody is not going to like you, but you can’t be worried about that. Just do your job the best you can.
  9. Learn how to ignore people who get on your nerves.
  10. Pray and trust in the Lord.

My all-time favorite is below.

                                                                                           Serenity Prayer

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

My mother made me repeat it often. It still hangs in her laundry room, and I have a plaque with the inscription. The words calm, comfort and help me focus on what’s important. They can do the same for you. Memorize them!

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