Got the Break-up Blues? Get Over It!

By Paola, 16, junior

Most of us have been through it and know the feeling all too well: the break-up mood. Over the past few months, I’ve noticed that my friends and other girls often get into a really depressing mood after they’ve gone through a breakup with their boyfriend or girlfriend. That’s perfectly acceptable. However, if you’re still moping after two months, it’s time to do something that will help you get over him/her.

The first thing I would suggest is DO NOT GO ON FACEBOOK, which is the main source of venting and sly digs at the ex. Girls say things like, “Oh God I miss him so much.. :/” or “Ha ha, amazing how things change.” I find it extremely annoying when girls put their feelings and business out there for everyone to see. It’s normal to be sad once in a while. You’re human, young, fresh and barely exposed to the real world. If girls are this vulnerable when a man or woman leaves them, I wish them the best when things get serious.

I’ve gone through some breakups, though not many. What I’ve learned afterward is that it’s not going to kill me if someone doesn’t want to be with me or I don’t want to be with him. What is the point of sitting around and thinking about something that has already happened? The past can’t change. Life does go on after it’s over, but most girls fail to realize this. The most important thing to remember through all of this is: You’re stronger than you think. Why cry over some guy or girl when you could be out having fun or playing computer games?

When you’re in a relationship, it feels wonderful to have someone around you can talk to and play around with and actually have a connection with. When you aren’t in a relationship, it isn’t the end of the world. You don’t have to cry or be sad when the relationship ends. You can do so much better, and your future will look bright whether you’re with someone or not. Don’t frown because it’s over; smile because it happened. Those memories are going to make you who you are in the future.

If you’re having a hard time with a breakup, here are some tips that helped me get back on my feet:

1. Cry all you want. It’s all right to be sad for a little while, but don’t let yourself sink into a major depression.

2. Do something new every day. Changing your routine or learning something new can help you get over the breakup sooner because you’ll be too distracted to feel sorry for yourself.

3. Find emotional support. Discuss your feelings with a friend. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, write them down. Venting (privately) is definitely a good way to start anew.

4. Don’t spend too much time alone. It leaves room for the bad thoughts.

5. Take your time and don’t rush anything or make major changes. With a little time, patience and support you will feel better.

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