Don’t Suffer Through Menopause

By Cheryl Mattox Berry You’ve seen them fanning incessantly while proclaiming to everyone in earshot that they’re having a private summer. You’ve witnessed their irritability and keep your distance. The two of you play a game of seesaw with the thermostat. Women going through menopause are easy to spot. If you ask them, they’ll rattle […]

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Memphis Ranks No. 1 in Obesity

By Cheryl Mattox Berry Oh, no. My hometown – Memphis – is the fattest city in USA, according to a new WalletHub study. That doesn’t surprise me considering my gastronomical pursuits when I go home. It’s hard to visit the Bluff City without pigging out on Southern cuisine. Soon as I book my ticket, I start […]

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Watch and Learn

By Cheryl Mattox Berry Change came to America in waves during the 1960s while I was playing jacks, working on my Girl Scout badges and cheerleading. The civil rights movement, migrant farmworkers movement, birth control pill, declassification of homosexuality as a mental illness, women’s rights and many more milestones in American history are explored in […]

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Think Before You Speak, Please

By Cheryl Mattox Berry I don’t understand why some people try to walk back their words after they say offensive things. Do they think people will forget? Whatever comes out the first time is usually how a person really feels, so why not own up to those statements. Or better yet, why don’t they think […]

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Success Can Come at Any Age

Soul singer-songwriter Bettye LaVette is having the time of her life. In one week, LaVette said she lost a Grammy, turned 70 and got a new recording contract. The audience gave her a thunderous round of applause during a recent concert when she poked fun at the loss and marveled at her success at this […]

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20 Things to Make Mom’s Day

By Cheryl Mattox Berry While flowers, chocolate and jewelry are greatly appreciated on Mother’s Day, what most Moms really want is help around the house, a little fun and time to herself. Here are some ways to make sure Mom has a fun-filled and relaxing weekend. 20.  Walk the dog. 19.  Clean your room. 18. […]

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New Rules to Live By

By Cheryl Mattox Berry Here is the latest installment of Rules to Live By.  1.  Send invitations to family members in your city just as you do to friends and out-of-town relatives. 2.  If you must borrow something, return it on the date promised and in the same condition. If it is damaged, offer to […]

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