Dual Enrollment Program Challenges Student

By Paola, 16, junior

Most teenagers, I think, don’t apply themselves in school anymore. They just want to get their 2.0 GPA and graduate. They don’t strive for anything higher. I learned from a very young age to try my hardest and challenge myself, which is why I was put in the gifted program in first grade. Since then, I’ve taken rigorous courses in school, and I’m entering my first year of the Dual Enrollment program at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami.

In the Dual Enrollment program, which starts in the 11th grade, I will take college-level courses at my high school. I don’t have to set foot on FIU’s  campus unless I need to buy textbooks or use the library. In addition to earning college credits, I will save a LOT of money on tuition and books because the classes are free.

As for the difficulty of the work, you’re treated like a college freshman. In my American History Dual Enrollment class, I will write a research paper, take a few quizzes and tests, and maybe do some worksheets. It’s pretty much the same in American Literature, but I also receive a participation grade. My classes are the same size as a normal class in high school, about 20 to 25 students. I take the college classes from my regular teachers.

I decided to participate in the Dual Enrollment program because I want to challenge myself, discover my limits and overcome them. I want to get a higher GPA and receive more recognition for my hard work when colleges look at my application.

Dual Enrollment will definitely prepare me for college. The courses show me the kind of work and treatment I’ll be given when I go off to college. Instructors in college will be stricter. If your assignment isn’t on their desk when it’s due, you simply don’t get credit. They don’t accept excuses. There are no do-overs.

There will be a lot of adjustments this year. I will have to manage my time and apply myself more because there are only a few graded assignments. Because I take harder classes doesn’t mean I don’t have time for friends. Actually, that’s a popular misconception. I have a lot of time for friends and fun as long as I finish my work.

All the work that I’m given in these classes makes me realize that it’s better for me now than to suffer later when I’m hit with unexpected work in college. I would definitely recommend this program if you don’t mind hard work.

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