Make Others Respect Your Body

BodyBy Cheryl Mattox Berry

I can’t imagine walking down the street minding my own business and all of a sudden a grown man starts groping me. That’s what some young women say happened to them when they were teenagers.

Women and teenage girls across the USA have been sharing stories about encounters with grown men since accusations resurfaced that R&B singer R. Kelly raped two dozen underage girls nearly 15 years ago.

Those who commented on the sordid story about Kelly say they didn’t encourage the men who accosted them in any way. The unwanted attention made them ashamed of their developing bodies. They hid their breasts, hips, and butts beneath oversized clothes, long pants and sweat suits – even in the summer.

It’s sad that these girls had to put up with this kind of behavior from someone who should have been protecting them. And it’s a crime what these men did.

A young lady should be able to walk through her neighborhood without fear of being verbally or physically assaulted by a grown man. Here’s what you should do if you’re attacked: Scream. Push him off. Run to safety. TELL an authority figure (parents, teacher, counselor or principal) and POLICE what happened, where it happened and give a description of the man.

It’s important that you report the incident to police so that they can get the predator off the street before he causes more psychological, and perhaps, physical harm.

Sadly, some men have no respect for women, especially girls of color. No one has the right to touch you without your permission. If you want others to respect your body, demand it. Don’t allow anyone to call you a bitch or ho. Don’t listen or dance to rap music with lyrics that degrade women.

Make sure male students and teachers respect your body, too. Don’t play games that involve touching. Don’t solicit comments about your hair, clothes or body from male students or teachers. Tell your parents, counselor or principal when you feel a male student or teacher has crossed the line.

Your body is a temple.

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