A New Year. A New You. Affirm It!

By Cheryl Mattox Berry

It’s that time of year again when everyone sits down to make New Year’s resolutions. The list includes everything from being nicer to your little sister to getting to school on time to cleaning your room once a week. A month from now, those promises to yourself will be forgotten. So, let’s not go there. In 2012, let’s try affirmations.

An affirmation is a positive statement that you send to your mind about something that you really want to happen in your life. Affirmations have to be repeated many times to sink into the subconscious mind and force it into positive action that brings about the desired change.

You can use affirmations to change your habits, attitude, reactions and outlook on life. You have probably made affirmations in the past and don’t remember. Think of a time when you had to do something really difficult, such as run a mile in P.E. class.  Your first attempts were underwhelming, but you kept practicing. One day, you said, “I can do this. I can do this.” And you did. When you said those words to yourself, you were repeating positive affirmations.

In order for affirmations to work, you must eliminate negative thoughts and reprogram your mind to think in a positive manner. That means stop saying, “I can’t do that,” or “I’m going to fail.” If you think you’re going to fail, you will. As the saying goes, “believing is achieving.”

Here is how affirmations work: The first thing you must do is relax, so that you can concentrate. Next, think about what you want to improve in your life. Write down the important things. Next to each item, write a short, positive statement using the present tense. For example, if my list included “getting a social life” my affirmation would read, “My life is filled with fun and friendship.”

Repeat your affirmations for five minutes several times a day, starting the moment you wake up. Say the affirmations whenever you’re not doing something that requires your undivided attention. Some examples of positive affirmations:

–       I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

–       I am healthy and happy.

–       I love the skin I’m in.

–       I am loved.

–       I am safe.

–       School is getting better every day.

–       I am calm and relaxed before I take a test.

–       I understand math.

–       I have a loving relationship with my parents.

–       I perform well when others depend on me.

Important: You must never allow negative thinking to enter your mind when you are repeating an affirmation because it undermines the positive words. It’s easy to fall back into negative habits, but fight it. Remember, you’re trying something new this year, and it may take a while to master this new way of thinking. Stay serious, focused and committed to your affirmations. In the beginning, you may have to remind yourself to repeat them. Place a note on your bathroom mirror so that you see it first thing in the morning. Put another note on one of your notebooks. Set the alarm on your cell phone so that you can remember to do it in the evening.

And, yes, affirmations really work. In some areas, you may see results immediately. However, it may take weeks or months to achieve your goals in other areas. Don’t give up. Affirmations will make you feel better about yourself and your life. I know you can do this because you’re smart, beautiful, fierce and unique. Girl, you are all of that!

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