The Best Gift Of All – You

By Cheryl Mattox Berry

If you’re short on cash but have plenty of spare time, why not give the gift of yourself this holiday season? In other words, volunteer your time and talent. That can be done in a variety of ways and places:

  1. Help charities deliver food baskets, presents and clothing to needy families.
  2. Wrap presents at the mall.
  3. Spend the day preparing meals at the homeless shelter.
  4. Volunteer to work at holiday camps sponsored by churches, synagogues and community centers.
  5. Work a shift in the day-care room at your church or synagogue.
  6. Take down holiday decorations at your church or synagogue.
  7. Offer one-on-one training to teach seniors how to use a cell phone or computer.
  8. Play games with residents at a nursing home or read to them.
  9. If you’re a musician, organize a concert with fellow musicians at a nursing home, assisted living facility, senior center or home for children.
  10. Visit a senior center to see if they need someone to do odd jobs or ask if there’s a senior who needs help around the house.

Don’t forget that charity begins at home. Mom, dad and grandma can use a little help, too. Here’s your chance to show them that you are maturing and thinking of someone else beside yourself. They appreciate being appreciated. For them, you can create fancy coupons offering to perform a service. Put the coupon in a box and wrap it or stuff it in a gift bag. Think of what they need help doing, such as washing the car or raking leaves. Here are some other suggestions:

  1. Clean out the garage.
  2. Organize the closet and take old clothes to a charity.
  3.  Get rid of the stuff in the junk drawer.
  4. Make runs to the shoe shop and cleaners, and to get new watch batteries.
  5. Polish silver.
  6. Remove outdated medicine and beauty products in the bathroom. Toss old food in the refrigerator, kitchen cabinets and pantry.
  7. Sit with an incapacitated relative so that the caregiver can get some time alone.
  8. Babysit younger kids so that their parents can get the night out.
  9. Cook dinner for the family one night and clean up the kitchen really well.
  10. Do that one thing that your family member has been bugging you about.

In addition to being cost efficient, the gift of time is a lot of fun. You can also create coupons for your friends instead of exchanging gifts. It’s perfect for the person who has everything and removes the pressure of buying an expensive gift.

Giving your time and talent also helps you get into the holiday spirit. It feels good to help others, especially the less fortunate. You don’t realize how lucky you are until you meet people who don’t have a home, nice clothes or food. Hopefully, they will remember how someone helped them in their time of need, and when circumstances permit they will pay it forward in a bigger way.

Happy Holidays!

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