A Mother’s Day Letter to Our Daughters

By Cheryl Mattox Berry

Today, children throughout the USA celebrate mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, godmothers, play mamas, aunties and yes, even dads, who double as moms. The cards, flowers and gifts are  greatly appreciated, but more than anything mothers want their children to be happy, healthy and successful. For daughters, mothers have special wishes and dreams that are expressed in the letter below.

Dearest Daughter, 

Your world and the people who inhabit it are a reflection of you. In life, you have choices. The decisions you make will determine the quality of your life. 

First, you must have values – the things that are important to you, such as family, career, education, faith, health, love, wealth and recreation. Values will give your life balance and make you feel whole. Identifying values also will help you set goals in life.

It’s important that you figure out who you are early on so that no one else defines you. That way you don’t have to live up to anyone else’s expectations. Don’t give anyone the power to make you feel guilty about who you are, what you own and what you want out of life. You are responsible for your own happiness.

Repeat: “I am responsible for my own happiness.” 

God gives each of us a talent that we should use to make the world a better place.  What is your life’s mission? Don’t despair if you can’t identify what inspires you right now. It shall be revealed to you. You may have to live a little.

Think BIG. Don’t just get a job, start a business. You’ve got what it takes to be the boss lady. You’re creative, industrious and business-minded. Working for yourself is challenging and rewarding.

Be strong but not so much that you don’t ask for help when you need it. You may think that I’m old and out of touch, but wisdom comes with age. I have experience on my side and can show you how to navigate the obstacles that will block your path.

Your education shouldn’t stop after you graduate from high school or college. Travel the USA and the world, and learn about other people and cultures. That will help you discover your place on the planet.

Surround yourself with positive, ambitious, forward-thinking people who will enrich your life. They should be older, younger, richer, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Catholic, Jewish and Christian. Identify the haters and naysayers, and shake them off. 

In the romance department, find a man who is first and foremost a friend, makes you laugh and won’t think twice about giving you a kidney if you need one. However, don’t lose yourself in the relationship; always maintain your identity. Your husband will be your best friend, but you still need girlfriends to give you sobering advice.

Pray every day. All things are possible if God is in your life. Find a church so that you recharge your battery every Sunday morning for the coming week. Find a ministry that speaks to your interests and volunteer on a regular basis. It feels good to give to those who are less fortunate.

Family will always be in your corner. Don’t lose touch even though you may live hundreds or thousands of miles away. You can always go home when the going gets rough and you need to regroup. You will be welcomed with open arms.

Know that I will always love you. My life is fuller, happier and richer because you’re part of it. You’re smart, beautiful, unique and fierce. I am so proud of you.









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