Women Who Left an Impression

clipart-people-119498454029858016people.svg.medBy Cheryl Mattox Berry

In my travels around South Florida and across the country this year, I’ve met some interesting women who left me inspired, awed, smiling or shaking my head. They’re not rich, famous or infamous. Just everyday women who touched me in some way. Here’s how:

  1.  The spry, elderly woman who cares for three great-grandchildren, ages 8 to 14. We struck up a conversation in the meat department at a supermarket. She said the children’s mother is wild, and she couldn’t let her grands be raised in the foster care system. She prays with them daily and doesn’t spare the rod. She also gave me a good meatloaf recipe.

2.  The 100-year-old lady who entertained my table at Red Lobster. She was jazzy and sassy with a freshly done hairdo and full makeup. Curious about the table of well-dressed black women, the petite, white lady asked us a lot of questions. Her parting advice: Enjoy life while we’re still young.

3.  A sorority sister in her 70s, who shared a Lyft ride with me while we were at a convention in Atlanta. During the 20-minute trip, I thought I was having a conversation with myself. We had so much in common – even a strong resemblance – that it was scary. I looked at her and saw myself at her age. After that encounter, I’m confident that I can grow old gracefully and remain relevant.

4.  The Guyana-born fashion designer who plans to write a book about people in her village. She regaled me with stories about some of her neighbors when I stumbled across her boutique one steamy summer day. I can’t wait to read about her characters.

5.  My newest hair stylist who advised me to guard my heart when I told her about problems with some of my family members. She’s the next best thing to a therapist and much cheaper.

6.   A registered nurse who looked after my mother-in-law (the patient) and me during a 12-hour stay in the emergency room at a Memphis hospital. She was funny, kind, compassionate and apologetic about our long-than-average wait. She is how I envisioned my mother caring for patients when she worked as a nurse for more than 30 years.

7.  The beauty salon owner who is organizing South Florida women worried that women’s reproductive rights and human rights will suffer under president-elect Donald J. Trump’s administration.

8.  Another South Florida woman who was honored for her work in the civil rights movement. She started clubs and sponsored activities for black youths who had nothing to do in their neighborhood and successfully led a fight to keep two black schools open back in the day.

9. The president of a cash-strapped black college who is trying to build an endowment, increase enrollment and raise the school’s visibility – a challenge during these tough economic times. She’s creative and has a good sense of humor that gets her through each day.

10. And my favorite, an erotic sex blogger I met in Los Angeles, who whips out sex toys on the spot and offers lessons on how to spice up your love life. Her tips are amusing and really make you want to try them in the bedroom. And that’s all I’m saying on that subject.

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