Memphis Ranks No. 1 in Obesity

By Cheryl Mattox Berry Oh, no. My hometown – Memphis – is the fattest city in USA, according to a new WalletHub study. That doesn’t surprise me considering my gastronomical pursuits when I go home. It’s hard to visit the Bluff City without pigging out on Southern cuisine. Soon as I book my ticket, I start […]

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Watch and Learn

By Cheryl Mattox Berry Change came to America in waves during the 1960s while I was playing jacks, working on my Girl Scout badges and cheerleading. The civil rights movement, migrant farmworkers movement, birth control pill, declassification of homosexuality as a mental illness, women’s rights and many more milestones in American history are explored in […]

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Think Before You Speak, Please

By Cheryl Mattox Berry I don’t understand why some people try to walk back their words after they say offensive things. Do they think people will forget? Whatever comes out the first time is usually how a person really feels, so why not own up to those statements. Or better yet, why don’t they think […]

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