Homelessness Hits Home

By Cheryl Mattox Berry My heart was heavy this Thanksgiving after learning that an older cousin had passed away – homeless in Chicago. I lost contact with Mary after she moved from Memphis to New York and then Chicago. She and my grandmother exchanged letters, and Granny would pass along news about her. Granny died […]

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Women Organize to Thwart Trump’s Campaign Promises

By Cheryl Mattox Berry President-elect Donald J. Trump’s unexpected victory at the polls on Nov. 8 has galvanized women across the USA. On Friday night, about 15 women gathered at a Miami Shores, Fla., beauty salon after-hours to discuss what they can do to offset expected challenges to women’s reproductive rights and human rights; how […]

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Trump Elected President: Only in America

By Cheryl Mattox Berry I went to bed last night with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton trailing in electoral votes and woke up this morning to news that Republican nominee Donald Trump was president-elect of the United States. Only in America. Voters elected a sexist, misogynist, racist, anti-Semitic, ill-tempered and poorly qualified man to the highest […]

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