YOLO Can Be a Good Thing

By Kennedy, 16, sophomore

YOLO. You only live once. Ever since this four-letter acronym surfaced in “The Motto,” by Drake, featuring Lil Wayne, it has made plenty of impact. Teens use YOLO as a way to justify their actions.

      “Finna get drunk #YOLO”

      “Just met this guy #YOLO”

      “Crazy night last night #YOLO”

It’s shocking to witness such stupidity and might I mention a lack of accurate grammar on social networking sites. Our generation has been a victim of the fast life. We try to grow up too quickly. We drink. We smoke. We hook up. Why? Because we only live once? The concept of justifying your wild actions with a word is silly, and it doesn’t make you look any better.

People see your actions, and believe it or not, they start to develop opinions about you. If you hooked up, guys will see you as an easy catch. If you got wasted, people will see you as someone who can’t handle herself. Whether we like it or not, we are constantly being judged, and we have to make an effort to prevent the world from being able to scrutinize us.

You might think using YOLO to take such actions is cool, but it really isn’t. It’s immature and unimpressive. Stop using YOLO so easily, and start thinking about your actions. Analyze the cause and effects. Don’t just go on a whim because the outcome could be dangerous.

You only live once, which is exactly why you should prevent yourself from using a saying to dominate your life and make decisions that you will most likely regret. YOLO can mean whatever you want it to, but it shouldn’t be used to justify immature choices.

It is neat to think about having some sort of saying that helps you become a braver, stronger person. So how about changing what you use YOLO for? Instead of using it to justify your drunken nights, use it to create a fun, healthy and better life. You can reinvent the word to fit into your lifestyle.

Do you have a passion for design, writing or cinema? YOLO. Do something with it! Design a line, write a collection of short stories or make a movie! Maybe you see something that touches your heart? YOLO. Make a difference and support your cause. Scared of heights? Go on an adventure and overcome your fear. The opportunities are infinite.

Create a dream board. Write a goal list. Think big because you only live once. You don’t want to regret any mistakes you made as a teenager because you let a term take over your life. Instead, love what you accomplish because you let a term inspire you. Appreciate the small moments and big accomplishments that such a saying can give you. You only live once, so make the best of it. Pursue your passions, overcome your fears and reach your goals. Because well, YOLO.

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